Amongst places and peoples, in brightness and darkness, I hunt for my roots. For then, my name is born.

僕はウルグアイのノスタルジックな首都モンテビデオで生まれ、都会暮 らしが長いが、子供のころの数年間はウルグアイの田舎で育った。昔は豊かな「南米のスイス」として知られていたこの国に渡った、スペイン人とイタリア人の移民の子孫だ。そして、いつ果てるともしれない経済的、社会的、政治的危機の中で大人になった。こういう経験が自分の性格と環境適応能力を作っていったように思う。
ウルグアイ、アルゼンチン、スペインに暮らし、今は日本に住んでいる。 多文化的な生い立ちと、実際様々な国に住んできたという現実から、僕は、物ごとをより複雑な視点で眺めるという独特の能力を持つようになった。そして、今は主に日本社会の習慣、考え、構造を「外側から内側へ」観察している。
I was born in the nostalgic city of Montevideo, although my first years were spent in the Uruguayan countryside. I descend from a family of Spanish and Italian immigrants who arrived in a country known then as ’the Switzerland of South America’, while the place in which I grew up was in the throes of an endless economical, social and political crisis. This experience shaped my character and my ability to adapt. I have lived in Uruguay, Argentina, Spain and Japan.
This multi-cultural condition of mine and the fact that I have lived in a number of countries has provided me with different, more layered ways of seeing things; the ability to observe ’from outside to inside’ the customs, ideas and structures of Japanese society. The process of assimilation of these different cultures and countries inspires, in a very direct way, the subjects that I address.
The strength of my Latin American origins allows me to focus on aspects and characters in Japanese society with compositions that, at times, owe their existence to our artistic surrealism and literary magic realism.
Photography is the tool that I use to help me search for my roots and that allows me to bear witness to my complex and at the same time fascinating Latin-Japanese condition. I suppose that this need to ’feel at home’ makes me conceive critical and at the same time poetical images that explore the idea of memory, home or a (second) homeland.
Photography enables me to re-situate and re-define myself in relation to the captivating Japanese society and its sophisticated culture. My condition of ’re-located’ Latin American brings with it a vision that is the fruit of two very different, but at the same time complementary and profoundly human, worlds.
Photography allows me to ’be in the world’ and ’to put down roots’ in the place in which I live.
Daniel Machado
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[METROMIN.]Tokyo Metro Magazine
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[el farolito]Paris Tango Magazine
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[TangoDanza]Germany Tango Magazine
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